Quest For Gold

Quest For Gold

Ontario Athlete Assistance Program (OAAP) is funded by the Government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport.  The Program will provide direct financial assistance to Ontario athletes through an “Ontario Card” designation. The intent of the OAAP is to provide funding to individual athletes based on their demonstrated commitment to high performance sport, allowing them to pursue athletic excellence at the highest levels of national and international competition.

In accordance with the OAAP guidelines, Ontario Volleyball is responsible for forming a Selection Committee and sport specific selection criteria to nominate the athletes for Ontario carding status.

The overarching goal of the Quest for Gold program is to “improve the performance and the number of Ontario athletes performing at the national and international level, thereby contributing to the improved performance of Canada at international competitions”.  Specific objectives of the program are:

  • To help athletes continue their pursuit of athletic excellence at the highest levels of national and international competition;

  • To encourage athletes to stay in Ontario to live and train;

  • To compensate athletes for earnings lost while training;

  • To enable athletes to successfully pursue excellence in sport while fulfilling their educational goals;

  • To increase athlete access to improved high performance coaching; and

  • To enhance training and competitive opportunities available to athletes.

How much funding is available?

The exact level of funding for the 2019-2020 carding year will be determined by the Ministry after the total number of athletes nominated for Ontario Card status has been determined and the total funding has been confirmed.

How will the Ontario Volleyball Selection Committee decide who receives funding?

Please review the 2019-2020 OVA Quest for Gold Selection Criteria and Application Package for information on the process and regulations of the Quest for Gold program along with “How to Apply” instructions for Ontario Card status. 

*Athletes who received funding last year should review the document as changes have been made to last year’s Selection Criteria and Application Process.

All Indoor Volleyball applicants are required to fill up the form in Appendix C & D.

All Beach Volleyball applicants are required to fill up the form in Appendix A & B.

Ontario Volleyball will publish a draft list of the athletes nominated for Ontario Card status by no later than April 8th, 2020

Who can be considered for Quest for Gold?

Beach Volleyball athletes who have been members of the Ontario Provincial Team or Full-time Training Centre over the past competitive season and meet the following age requirements must submit a Quest for Gold Application Package to be considered.

Beach Volleyball

  • Female 1998 and younger

  • Male 1998 and younger

Indoor volleyball players who have been members of the Ontario Provincial Team, Canadian National Team or who attended a National Team tryout over the past competitive season and meet the following age requirements must submit the Quest for Gold Application Package to be considered.

Indoor Volleyball

  • Female 1998 and younger

  • Male 1998 and younger

All eligible indoor and beach athletes must submit the Quest for Gold Application Package, by March 25th, 2020 to LP Mainville at 

An email will be sent confirming receipt of the Quest for Gold Application Package.

Since the Quest For Gold program is intended for Ontario's top national team prospects age 22 and under, it is expected that athletes applying have a great sense of responsibility and accountability. For this reason, we will only answer questions or accept applications that are sent by the athletes themselves as they should be the ones in charge of applying for their funding.

If you have any further questions, please contact LP Mainville at

You can find the Quest For Gold Package HERE