2020 Team Ontario Online Program Recap

As September begins, the 2020 Team Ontario Online program has officially ended. A big thank you to the Team Ontario coaches, athletes and service providers who helped make our online program possible this summer!

Athletes learned about technical skills, tactical strategies, life skills and much more to assist with their volleyball development. With visits from National Team members, athletes had the opportunity to ask questions and listen to the experiences of professionals. Each program had access to Nutrition, Mental Performance and Strength and Conditioning coaches to complete their well-rounded online experience.

With the addition of the two Team Ontario Academy programs, there were 600 athletes that were able to participate this summer and learn from Team Ontario coaches. The full breakdown of participants can be seen below:

Team Ontario Academy 14U

Number of athletes: 164 athletes

Number of coaches: 38 coaches


Team Ontario Academy

Number of athletes: 234 athletes

Number of coaches: 14 coaches


Team Ontario Red Girls

Number of athletes: 38 athletes

Number of coaches: 4 coaches


Team Ontario Red Boys

Number of athletes: 39 athletes

Number of coaches: 5 coaches


Team Ontario Black Girls

Number of athletes: 35 athletes

Number of coaches: 5 coaches


Team Ontario Black Boys

Number of athletes: 34 athletes

Number of coaches: 5 coaches

Team Ontario Beach Girls

Number of athletes: 26 athletes

Number of coaches: 12 coaches total


Team Ontario Beach Boys

Number of athletes: 27 athletes

Number of coaches: 12 coaches total


Now that the 2020 programs are complete, brainstorming for athlete identification and 2021 Team Ontario programs begin. Please stay tuned for more information that can be found on the Team Ontario website.  


Stay Safe!

Athlete Development Team